Real value from real mayonnaise

This post expands on the mayonnaise quote from the about page.


How can I incorporate mayo into my life today?

- no one, ever

Unless you’re a certified mayonnaise aficionado, you probably don’t spend every living moment wondering about the nutritional content of emulsified egg yolks and oil. But you probably do wonder what you’re going to make for dinner tonight. That’s a real life concern of a real life person. Heck, I have no idea what I’m going to make for dinner tonight. I should probably look up a recipe. Maybe something easy, yet comforting and hearty… like a casserole. 

And wouldn’t you know it, after searching casserole recipes and going through the results I found myself browsing a site that just so happens to be owned and published by KraftHeinz. I came upon a recipe for cheesy chicken with egg noodles. And one of the ingredients? Kraft Real Mayo mayonnaise.

Now, I don’t have any Kraft mayonnaise in my house - I’m a Duke’s man, myself. And I would bet the Hellman’s crowd isn’t about to rush out to stock up on Kraft Mayo because they found a cool recipe, either. But that’s not the point. The point is that KraftHeinz knows that providing true value to the consumer is by generously offering them the content they’re looking for - in this case in the form of a recipe. My dilemma is solved. I’m making some kind of cheesy chicken thing for dinner thanks to the fine folks at Kraft.

As for the mayo, I’m sticking with Duke’s. But over time, these interactions I have with the brand will form the foundation of a relationship. And I’ll remember that relationship when I’m browsing for other condiments. Or cheese. Or whatever else they make.

Sure, it’s important to optimize your point-of-purchase content for conversion. And of course you need to communicate the features and benefits of whatever you’re selling to those who need to hear them. But if you’re not putting in the work of relationship building with the people who haven’t realized they need to buy your product yet, it makes it that much more difficult to get them to the brink of purchase consideration. When faced with the vast sea of choices and options (thanks, Amazon), the only thing that will stand out in the consumer’s mind is the relationship they have with your brand.

That’s why I believe it is imperative for every brand/small business/startup to think like a media company. Because without a publishing mentality and without fresh, new content created constantly and in real-time, you are buried by competitors and other brands in your space who are fighting to win attention. Every year, month, day, or minute that goes by where you’re not broadcasting and optimizing your message is another year, month, day, or minute your competitor is.